MOUSE LAMP - Seletti
Mouse shaped lamp, in 3 different positions - Marcantonio design
Mouse shaped lamp, in 3 different positions - Marcantonio design
Mouse shaped lamp, in 3 different positions - Marcantonio design
Mouse shaped lamp, in 3 different positions - Marcantonio design


per Seletti


Info e prezzi: CLICCA QUI!


Tre topolini bianchi con finiture molto realistiche.

Sono Step, Lop e Mac e corrono per casa alla ricerca di oggetti bizzarri.

Di notte illuminano il loro cammino con le piccole lampadine.

Una scultura stravagante che sicuramente non passerà inosservata.




for Seletti


Info and prices: CLICK HERE!


Three little white mice with a very realistic finishing.

They are Step, Lop and Mac and they run around the house looking for bizarre objects.

They light up their way at night with their little bulbs.

Outlandish sculpture that will not go unnoticed.


Marcantonio Art & Design